Rolo Pretzel Sandwiches

Rolo Pretzel Sandwiches


Rolo Pretzel Sandwiches behind Pretzels, Candies, White Chocolate Melting Wafers, Sprinkles

The ingredient of Rolo Pretzel Sandwiches

  1. 50 squares pretzels
  2. 25 candies ROLO
  3. 8 ounces white chocolate melting wafers
  4. 1/4 cup sprinkles holiday, optional

The instruction how to make Rolo Pretzel Sandwiches

Nutritions of Rolo Pretzel Sandwiches

calories: 25 calories
carbohydrateContent: 3 grams
fatContent: 1 grams
sodiumContent: 10 milligrams
sugarContent: 3 grams

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